DATELINE: BANGKOK (February 8, 2021)
Fellow passengers, it’s another beautiful day in the Limoverse. Due to a small translation mistake we made while asking some Thai border guards for directions to the nearest meat market, this week we find ourselves on the floor of the Bangkok stock exchange, where it looks like we’re about to make a fortune on pepper futures.
To drive the price to the moon we’re buying out local supply and making:
And while that’s borbling on the break room stove, a snack to keep our heads in the game:
We’re ready to ease out of Cranuary and revisit our portfolio of adult beverages, but a bounty of ground turmeric in last week’s kit means you’re also ready to restore lost electrolytes with:
Deliveries coming your way WEDNESDAY this week. Zoom is still on temporary pause. Go ring in the new year in Chinatown instead!