DATELINE: THE ASTRAL PLANE (February 22, 2222)
Fellow passengers, it’s another beautiful day in the Limoverse. We don’t know exactly how we ended up so far in the future, but we’re pretty sure it has something to do with that mysterious bathhouse we came across last week at dinner on the Mekong. Did you get the feeling, just for a second, that we were back at the interdimensional portal we fell through in the salt room of Spa Castle Texas? Or maybe there was something magic in the golden milk…
No one has time to give it a second thought because facts are facts: today is February 22, 2222, a NUMEROLOGY POWER DAY, when the blinding energy of number 22, the Master Architect, uncloaks itself before humanity.
The air around us begins to crackle. Irresistible forces and immoveable objects become one. Our faces are on fire and the whole Limo starts vibrating. Quick! Ground it with:
And in the event of explosion, please reach for a
Safety first, comrades.